Location : russia
Style : Hardcore / Drum & Bass
Performance : DJSet

VEIN (Kirill Ivanov) - Producer of Industrial Hardcore / Hard Drum & Bass music from St. Petersburg, Russia.
An expert in the field of strong Industrial kicks, combined with powerful dark reeses and Amen Breaks with metal snares of all kinds, and also with dark atmosphere and vocals from Hell.
Included in the main team of the French label Prototypes Records. In 2020 he released his first solo album "The Power Of Darkside" on Future Sickness Rage, featuring: Inerpois & Backup, Iridium, The Satan, Gancher & Ruin.
Winner of the remix contest for the track "C-Netik & Bratkilla - Corona Virus" from the Yellow Stripe Recordings. His track "Ultimate Seduction" on Nekrolog1k Recordings was also included in the Thunderdome Best Of 2020 CD compilation.
Vein has performed at festivals & parties : Therapy Session, The World Of Drum & Bass, Drop The Bass, Prspct Night Spb, TON Festival 1.0, Industrial Secret ... and many others.